Network security is very important to ARRIS. When logging into the G54 Web Manager for the first time, the Home Network Wizard is launched to create an admin password, view the Wi-Fi credentials, and set the time zone. It is required to complete the Home Network Wizard in order to access the Web Manager. This document describes how to access the Web Manager for the first time.
NOTE: This article is not applicable when the SURFboard® Central app is paired with the G54. The custom login credentials for the Web Manager can be found in the SURFboard® Central app. For detailed instructions to login to the Web Manager with the app, refer to article 19069 - SURFboard Central: Web Manager Access.
First Time Access to the Web Manager
- Launch a web browser, such as Internet Explorer, Firefox, or Safari. Â Enter into the address box, and press the Enter key. Â Â Â
 - A security or private risk alert may appear on the web browser advising users to proceed with caution when accessing the Web Manager. There is no risk in proceeding to the Web Manager. For instructions to bypass the alert screen, refer to article 18181 - Alert Message for Web Manager Access.
 - On the Home Network Wizard screen, enter a new password in the New Password field and re-enter the new password in the Re-Enter New Password field.Â
Password Requirements:
- Minimum of 8Â charactersÂ
- At least one uppercase alpha characterÂ
- At least 1 number
- One of ~ ! @ # $ % ^ * (Â ) - _ = + [ ] { } | ; : , . / ?
- Enter the four-digit CAPTCHA code.
 - Click the Save Settings button. The Home Network Wizard - Step 2 page will appear. Â
 - The default Wi-Fi network name and network password are shown in Step 2.
 NOTE: Complete the Home Network Wizard and log in to the Web Manager to customize the Wi-Fi credentials.Â
 - Click the Next Step button.  The Home Network Wizard - Step 3 page will appear.
 - Click on the Time Zone drop-down to select the time zone.Â
 - Click the Time Format drop-down menu and select either the 24 hour format or 12 hour format.
 -  Click the Date Format drop-down to select the date format, then click the Finish button. The Gateway > login page will appear.Â
 - The Username field has admin populated, enter the custom password in the Password field.
 - Click the Login button to access the G54 Web Manager.