Consumers - Internet Connection Troubleshooting in Windows VISTA

ARRIS Consumer Care


Internet Connection Troubleshooting in Windows VISTA

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How do I determine if I have an Internet connection in Windows VISTA?


1. From the VISTA Desktop, bring up the START MENU as described below.

2. From this screen select "Internet"

3. You should automatically connect to the Internet via your default home page.

If you do not connect, you may see the following images on your screen:

If you don't connect, get one of the screens above, or get the PAGE NOT DISPLAYED screen, follow the steps in TIP #2 to verify the physical connection.

If the physical connection is good, then follow the steps under Tip #3 below to verifiy your IP address and determine if you PC is setup for automatic IP address assignment (DHCP) or has a fixed IP address (Static IP).



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