The SBG6400 Parental Controls feature provides the ability to block or allow Internet access during a specified Time of Day. The Internet can be blocked or allowed for certain times of the day, certain days of the week, or all times. Access permissions can be assigned to all devices on the network, or a specific device (e.g. computer, gaming console, tablet). By default, Parental Controls is disabled, which allows all Internet access to all devices. This document describes how to block one device from accessing the Internet for a specified Time of Day.
This document contains the following sections:
To block one device from accessing the Internet, the MAC address of that device will need to be entered into the Web Filter settings.  For assistance in locating the MAC address of a device, please refer to:
- Launch a Firefox or Safari browser.  Enter into the address box, and press the Enter key. Â
NOTE: A browser message on Chrome, Edge, Firefox, and Opera, may appear when accessing the Web Manager.  The message includes 192.168.01 uses an unsupported protocol and ERR_SSL_VERSION_OR_CIPHER_MISMATCH.  The Web Manager uses an earlier version of the TLS protocol and does not match the version allowed by the web browser.  Safari browsers on Apple PC and mobile devices are not impacted.  The workaround to access the Web Manager with a PC is to use the Firefox browser and set the TLS version to 1.  For workaround instructions refer to article # 19435 - uses an unsupported protocol.
 - A security or private risk alert may appear on the web browser advising users to proceed with caution when accessing the Web Manager.  There is no risk in proceeding to the Web Manager.  For instructions to bypass the alert screen, refer to article # 18181 - Alert Message for Web Manager Access.
 - On the Login page, enter admin or a customized username in the Username field.
 - Enter password or a customized password in the Password field.
NOTE: On later versions of the SBG6400, the Wi-Fi Security Key is used as the default admin password printed on the bottom white label. For assistance with Web Manager Access, refer to article # 18730 – SBG6400: Web Manager Access.

 - Click the Login button. The Home page will appear.

 - On the Home page, click on Parental Controls. The Firewall - Parental Controls page will appear.

 - On the Firewall - Parental Controls page Time Zone section:Â
a. Â Current Time Zone - Click the drop-down tab and select the current time zone.
b. Â Click the Apply button.

 - Click the Create button from the top.  The Firewall - Parental Controls entry page appears.

 - On the Firewall - Parental Controls entry page:
a.   Description - Enter the desired description for this entry.
b.   MAC Address - Enter the MAC address of the desired device to block.
c.   URL - Leave at default blank.
d.   Start Port - Enter 80.
e.   End Port - Enter 80.
f.    Protocol - Click the drop-down menu and select TCP.
g.   Days - Choose EveryDay to block Internet access every day of the week, or select the desired day(s) to block.
h.   Time - If it is desired to block access all day, check the All Day checkbox.Â
                 If it is desired to block access only for a specific period of time, enter the Start and End times.
      NOTE:  Hours (hour) and Minutes (min) must be entered as two digits (e.g. 07, 12).
i.   Allow/Block - Click the drop-down menu, and select Block.
j.   Enabled -  Click the drop-down menu, and select On.
k.  Click the Apply button.

 - The Firewall -Parental Control page will now appear, and will display a filtering entry.
NOTE 1: Repeat steps 5 - 6 for the additional desired device.
NOTE 2:Â Â For the settings to take effect, the web browser(s) on the device(s) will need to be closed and re-opened.

- Launch a Firefox or Safari browser.  Enter into the address box, and press the Enter key. Â
NOTE: A browser message on Chrome, Edge, Firefox, and Opera, may appear when accessing the Web Manager.  The message includes 192.168.01 uses an unsupported protocol and ERR_SSL_VERSION_OR_CIPHER_MISMATCH.  The Web Manager uses an earlier version of the TLS protocol and does not match the version allowed by the web browser.  Safari browsers on Apple PC and mobile devices are not impacted.  The workaround to access the Web Manager with a PC is to use the Firefox browser and set the TLS version to 1.  For workaround instructions refer to article # 19435 - uses an unsupported protocol.
 - A security or private risk alert may appear on the web browser advising users to proceed with caution when accessing the Web Manager.  There is no risk in proceeding to the Web Manager.  For instructions to bypass the alert screen, refer to article # 18181 - Alert Message for Web Manager Access.
 - On the Login page, enter admin or a customized username in the Username field.
 - Enter password or a customized password in the Password field.
NOTE: On later versions of the SBG6400, the Wi-Fi Security Key is used as the default admin password printed on the bottom white label. For assistance with Web Manager Access, refer to article # 18730 – SBG6400: Web Manager Access.

 - Click the Login button. The Home page will appear.

 - On the Home page, click on Parental Controls. The Firewall - Parental Controls page will appear.

 - On the Firewall - Parental Controls page, find the desired entry to remove and click the Remove button.
NOTE:Â For the settings to take effect, the web browser(s) on the device(s) will need to be closed and re-opened.