The primary network wireless functionality of the Motorola SBG6782 wireless gateway is enabled by default with WPA-PSK encryption. Any wireless clients that associate with the primary network will be able to communicate with other wired or wireless clients on the primary network. This document describes how to setup the Primary Network basic wireless without wireless security.
WARNING: With this setup, the wireless functionality of the SBG6782 will provide no encryption for the wireless network.
To Setup Primary Network Basic Wireless
- Launch a Firefox or Safari browser.  Enter into the address box, and press the Enter key. Â
NOTE: A browser message on Chrome, Edge, Firefox, and Opera, may appear when accessing the Web Manager. Â The message includes 192.168.01 uses an unsupported protocol and ERR_SSL_VERSION_OR_CIPHER_MISMATCH. Â The Web Manager uses an earlier version of the TLS protocol and does not match the version allowed by the web browser. Â Safari browsers on Apple PC and mobile devices are not impacted. Â The workaround to access the Web Manager with a PC is to use the Firefox browser and set the TLS version to 1. Â For workaround instructions refer to article #Â 19435 - uses an unsupported protocol.
 - A security or private risk alert may appear on the web browser advising users to proceed with caution when accessing the Web Manager.  There is no risk in proceeding to the Web Manager.  For instructions to bypass the alert screen, refer to article # 18181 - Alert Message for Web Manager Access.
 - On the Login page, enter admin or a customized username in the Username field.
 - Enter motorola or a customized password in the Password field.
NOTE 1: On later versions of the SBG6782-AC, the Wi-Fi Security Key is used as the default admin password printed on the bottom white label. For assistance with Web Manager Access, refer to article # 18755 – SBG6782-AC: Web Manager Access.

NOTE 2: For units that have been leased or purchased by Shaw Communications, the username is cusadmin, and the password is the Customer S/N (Serial Number), located on a white sticker on the bottom of the unit.
NOTE 3: If the unit has been leased or purchased by Time Warner Cable, and the admin username and motorola password does not allow access to the GUI, please contact Time Warner Cable for assistance.
 - Click the Login button.  The Home page will appear.

 - On the Home page, click on Manage Wi-Fi Network. The Wireless - Primary Network Settings page will appear.

 - On the Wireless - Primary Network Settings page:
a.   Wireless Network - Leave at default, which is Enabled.
b.  Network Name (SSID) - Enter the desired network name of choice, or leave it at the current setting.
c.  Network Name (SSID) Broadcast - Leave at default, which is Enabled.
d.  Wireless Security - Click the drop-down menu, and select Change Mode. The page will refresh.
e.  Click the Wireless Security drop-down menu again, and select Unencrypted.
f.   Click the Apply button.
     NOTE: A reboot of the unit is not required for changes to take effect.

For assistance with the wireless client: