Answer | The SBG6950AC2 includes various tools that are used for troubleshooting IP connectivity issues.  The ping tool is used to check connectivity from the SBG6950AC2 to another device on the Internet or the LAN (Local Area Network).  Using the ping feature, the SBG6950AC2 sends a small packet of data to a device, and waits for a reply from that device. If the device replies, this confirms that the SBG6950AC2 and that device are connected and able to communicate with each other.  This document describes how to use the ping tool.
Ping Tool Â
- Launch a web browser, such as Internet Explorer, Firefox, or Safari.  Enter into the address box, and press the Enter key.  The Login page will appear.
NOTE: A security or private risk alert may appear on the web browser advising users to proceed with caution when accessing the Web Manager. There is no risk in proceeding to the Web Manager.  For instructions to by-pass the alert screen, refer to article # 18181 - Alert Message for Web Manager Access.  - On the Login page, enter admin in the User Name field.
 - Enter password or a customized password in the Password field.
NOTE: When using the default password to login, it may be required to set a unique password to proceed to the Web Manager. For assistance with Web Manager Access, refer to article # 18287 – SBG6950AC2: Web Manager Access.  - Click the Apply button.  The System Basic Setup window will appear.
  - On the System Basic Setup page, click the Utilities link on the top menu.  The System Information page will appear.
 - On the System Information page, click the Ping link on the left-hand menu.  The Ping page will appear.
 - On the Ping page, enter the IP address of the device to ping into the Ping Target field.
 - Leave the Ping Size field at default 64, the size of the data packet to be used for each ping attempt.
 - Leave the No. of Pings field at default 3, the number of ping attempts the SBG6950AC2 will send to the device.Â
 - Leave the Ping Interval field at default 100, the time for the SBG6950AC2 to wait (in milliseconds) before sending each ping attempt.
 - Click the Start Test button.  The Results are populated in the box.
NOTE: Click the Stop Test button to stop the test early.  To clear the results click the Clear Results button. 