Answer | The SBG6950AC2 default Wi-Fi credentials, wireless name and security password, are listed on stickers on the side and bottom of the device.  The wireless name, also known as SSID (Service Set Identification), is a uniquely identified wireless network.  The preshared key, also known as the wireless security key, encryption key or passphrase, allows wireless clients, such as smart phones and laptops, to join the secured wireless network.  If the Wi-Fi Name and password are changed, they can be retrieved by logging into the Web Manager of the SBG6950AC2.
This document contains the following sections:
Wi-Fi Name and Password on the SBG6950AC2
- Locate the Default Wi-Fi Settings sticker on the right-hand side of the SBG6950AC2.
 - Locate the 2.4 GHz Wi-Fi name next to 2.4G SSID, the 5.0 GHz Wi-Fi name next to 5G SSID, and the Wi-Fi password next to Password. Â
  - For the bottom sticker, turn the gateway over with the bottom facing up.Â
 - Locate the Wi-Fi name below Network Name (SSID) and the Wi-Fi password below WI-FI SECURITY KEY. Â

Wi-Fi Name and Password in the Web ManagerÂ
- Launch a web browser, such as Internet Explorer, Firefox, or Safari.  Enter into the address box, and press the Enter key.  The Login page will appear.
NOTE: A security or private risk alert may appear on the web browser advising users to proceed with caution when accessing the Web Manager. There is no risk in proceeding to the Web Manager.  For instructions to by-pass the alert screen, refer to article # 18181 - Alert Message for Web Manager Access.  - On the Login page, enter admin in the User Name field.
 - Enter password or a customized password in the Password field.
NOTE: When using the default password to login, it may be required to set a unique password to proceed to the Web Manager. For assistance with Web Manager Access, refer to article # 18287 – SBG6950AC2: Web Manager Access.  - Click the Apply button.  The System Basic Setup page will appear.
  - On the System Basic Setup page, locate the Wi-Fi Name next to Wireless Network Name (SSID) and the Wi-Fi password next to Pre-Shared Key for both the 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz Wi-Fi band.
NOTE: It is recommended to write down the Wi-Fi information on a piece of paper for future reference. 