Consumers - SBG7400AC2: First Time Accessing the Status Page

ARRIS Consumer Care


SBG7400AC2: First Time Accessing the Status Page

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How do I login to the SBG7400AC2 Status page?
The latest SBG7400AC2 may include admin login credentials to access the Status page.  The Status page does not share the same admin login credentials as the Home page.  Admin login credentials is required to access the Status page.  The default login credential are admin (username) and password (password), and is required to change the admin password during first time access to the Status page.  The Status page is used to view and monitor cable signal levels and operating status of the SBG7400AC2 Wi-Fi modem.  This document contains the following sections:

Status Page Access
  1. Launch a web browser, such as Internet Explorer, Firefox, or Safari.  Enter into the address box.  The Login page will appear.  

    NOTE: A security or private risk alert may appear on the web browser advising users to proceed with caution when accessing the Web Manager.  There is no risk in proceeding to the Web Manager.  For instructions to by-pass the alert screen, refer to article # 18181 - Alert Message for Web Manager Access.

  2. On the Login page, enter admin in the Username field.
  3. Enter password in the Password field then click the Send button.  The Login Setting page will appear. 

    NOTE: The "Invalid username or password, or your access has been locked due to multiple login attempts!" message will appear when the password is entered incorrectly.  For additional information, click here.

    User-added image

  4. Enter password in the Old Password field.
  5. Enter a new password in the New Password field and re-enter the new password in the Repeat New Password field.

    Password Requirements:
    • Minimum of 8 characters
    • At least one uppercase alpha character
    • At least 1 number
    • One of ~ ! @ # $ % ^ * (  ) - _ = + [ ] { } | ; : , . / ?
  6. Click the Apply button.  The Login page will appear.    

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  7. Enter admin in the Password field.
  8. Enter the custom password in the Password field then click the Send button.  The Status page will appear. 
    User-added image    

Failed Login Attempts

The following message appears when the incorrect password is used for login.  "Invalid username or password, or your access has been locked due to multiple login attempts!". 
  • Enter admin (username) and a correct password. 
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  • When the login attempts continue to fail, factory reset the SBG7400AC2 to login with the default admin password.  For assistance with factory reset, refer to article # 18344 - SBG7400AC2: Factory Reset. 



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