Answer | The DMZ Host feature allows the option to run a publicly accessible server within the home network. This enables the SBG7580-AC to forward all traffic to the designated DMZ Host device such as Web Server, Mail Server, Digital Video Recorder (DVR) or gaming device.  That designated DMZ Host device will operate outside of the SBG7580-AC firewall and allow remote access from the Internet and not the home network.  This document describes how to gather the client IP address and setup DMZ Host in the SBG7580-AC.
CAUTION: The designated DMZ Host device is not protected by the SBG7580-AC Network Extender firewall. It is exposed to the Internet and thus vulnerable to attacks or hacking from any computer on the Internet. Consider carefully before configuring a device to be in the DMZ.  It is recommended to enable software firewall on that device or use a more secure method of forwarding traffic such as Port Forwarding.  Please refer to Answer # 16954 - SBG7580-AC: Port Forwarding Setup. Â
The following are examples of scenarios in which DMZ Host is useful:
- When the port number or protocol in an in-bound application cannot be anticipated. Â For example, some network games select arbitrary port numbers when a connection is opened.
- When all unsolicited traffic needs to be forwarded to a specific device in the network.
- When an application does not work well with port triggering or port forwarding.
After completing the DMZ Host setup, it is recommended to reserve the IP address for the client device setup for port forwarding.  Please refer to Article # 16956 SBG7580-AC: IP Address Reserve Setup.
Requirement The client device IP Address is require to setup DMZ Host. Â It can be found in the SBG7580-AC Web Manager or from the client device's network information.
DMZ Host Setup
- Launch a web browser, such as Internet Explorer, Firefox, or Safari.  Enter into the address box, and press the Enter key.  The Login page will appear.
NOTE: A security or private risk alert may appear on the web browser advising users to proceed with caution when accessing the Web Manager. There is no risk in proceeding to the Web Manager. For instructions to by-pass the alert screen, refer to article # 18181 - Alert Message for Web Manager Access.  - On the Login page, enter admin in the User Name field.
 - Enter password or a customized password in the Password field.
NOTE: When using the default password to login, it may be required to set a unique password to proceed to the Web Manager. For assistance with Web Manager Access, refer to article # 18248 – SBG7580-AC: Web Manager Access.  - Click the Apply button.  The Alert!! window will appear.
  - The Alerts!! window includes information about the Parental Control via the Secure Home Internet Service mobile app available on the Google Play Store (Android) and App Store (iOS).
- Check the Do not show this window again box and click the Close button to stop the alert window from appearing during the next login.
- Click the Close button to bypass the alert window. The alert window will appear during the next login.

- On the System Basic Setup page, click the LAN Setup link on the top menu.  The LAN Settings page will appear.
  - On the LAN Settings page, click the Client List link on the left-hand menu.  The Client List page will appear.Â
  - On the Client List page, copy the client's IP Address under Attached Client List section to use for the DMZ setup.
NOTE: If the client is not found it may not be powered on or not connected to the network.   - Click the Firewall link on the top menu.  The Firewall Settings page will appear.
  - On the Firewall Settings page, click the DMZ link on the left-hand menu.  The DMZ Settings page will appear.
 Â - On DMZ Settings page, check the Enable DMZ box.Â
 - Enter the client device IP address into the Private IP field.
NOTE: To disable DMZ Host, uncheck the Enable DMZ box. Â - Click the Apply button. Â The DMZ Settings page will refresh. Â
NOTE: Changes take effect immediately and a restart is not required. 