Consumers - SBR-AC1750: Firmware Upgrade

ARRIS Consumer Care


SBR-AC1750: Firmware Upgrade

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How do I upgrade the firmware for the SBR-AC1750?
Firmware is programming software that is written into the device to function.  In some cases there may a need to update or enhance the product features.  An update of the firmware may be beneficial to keep the product up to date.  Before upgrading the firmware verify the current firmware in the SBR-AC1750.  This document contains the following sections:  
Verify Current Firmware
  1. Launch a web browser, such as Internet Explorer, Firefox, or Safari.  Enter into the address box and press the Enter key.  The Login page appears.

    NOTE: By default the LAN IP address is  If the default address has been changed, enter the custom address in the address box.

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  2. On the Login page, enter password in the Password field.
  3. Click the Login button.  The Home page appears.

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  4. Move the mouse-cursor over the Utilities tab and select the System Information sub-link.  The Utilities - System Information page appears.  
  5. Verify the current firmware version as shown in the green box.

    NOTE: Refer to the Download Firmware section to determine the firmware shown in the unit is up to date.

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Download the Latest Firmware
  1. Launch a web browser, such as Internet Explorer, Firefox, or Safari. Enter into the address box and press the Enter Key.  The SBR-AC1750 page appears.
  2.  On the SBR-AC1750 page, click on the Drivers and Firmware tab.

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    NOTE: If the current firmware in the SBR-AC1750 matches the latest one on the site, the unit is up to date.

  3. Click the Download link under the Firmware Version. 
  4. Click the Save drop-drop button on File Download dialog box and select Save as.
  5. On the Save As window, select the Desktop in the pull-down menu.
  6. Leave the File name at default SBRAC1750-1.0.10.
  7. Leave the Save as type at default.
  8. Click the Save button.

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Upgrade Firmware
  1. Launch a web browser, such as Internet Explorer, Firefox, or Safari.  Enter into the address box and press the Enter key.  The Login page appears.

    NOTE: By default the LAN IP address is  If the default address has been changed, enter the custom address in the address box.

    Right click on the image to save it to your computer.

  2. On the Login page, enter password in the Password field.
  3. Click the Login button.  The Home page appears.

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  4. Move the mouse-cursor over the Utilities tab and select the Firmware Upgrade sub-link.  The Utilities - Firmware Upgrade page appears.
  5. On the Utilities - Firmware Upgrade page, click the Browse button.  The Choose File to Upload box appears. 

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  6. On the Choose File to Upload box:
    a.   Click on Desktop to select the firmware file SBRAC1750-1.0.9.
    b.   Click the Open button.  The Utilities - Firmware Upgrade page appears.

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  7. On the Utilities - Firmware Upgrade page, click the Upgrade button.  The Confirmation pop-up window appears.

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  8. On the Confirmation pop-up window, click the OK button to continue with the firmware upgrade.  The Alert window appears.

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  9. On the Alert window, click the OK button to continue the firmware upgrade.

    CAUTION: The router may be unresponsive to commands for 180 seconds.  Please do not turn off or reboot the router during this time. 

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  10. The router will begin updating the firmware.  Please allow up to five mins for the router to update the firmware.

    WARNING: Do not interrupt or unplug the router, doing so could render the router inoperable. 

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  11. Once the router completes the firmware upgrade the Login page appears.

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