General FAQs: SBX-AC1200P: Port Forwarding Setup

ARRIS Consumer Care


SBX-AC1200P: Port Forwarding Setup

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How do I configure port forwarding on my SBX-AC1200P?
NOTE: The SBX-AC1200P operates as a wireless extender out of the box.  The Port Forwarding feature is setup in the primary router that manages the home network.  If the SBX-AC1200P is operating as a wireless router, proceed with the instructions below to setup the Port Forwarding feature.

Port Forwarding allows the option to run a publicly accessible server on the home network by specifying the mapping of TCP and/or UDP ports to a local device.  This enables incoming requests on specific port numbers to reach devices such as Web Servers, Mail Servers, Digital Video Recorders (DVR) and gaming devices.  Port forwarding is setup by selecting from predefined commonly forwarded ports or by entering specific port(s).  This document describes how to gather the client IP address and setup port forwarding by selecting from predefined commonly forwarded ports and by entering specific port(s) in the SBX-AC1200P. 

  • Client device IP Address
  • The port number(s) and protocol (TCP and/or UDP) of the service

After completing the Port Forwarding setup, it is recommended to reserve the IP address for the client device the port forwarding is setup for.  Please refer to Article # 16598 SBX-AC1200P: IP Address Reserve Setup.

Port Forwarding Setup
  1. Connect a Wi-Fi client device, such as a laptop, smart phone or tablet, to the SBX-AC1200P default wireless network

    NOTE: The default wireless name and password is located on the back panel of the SBX-AC1200P.

  2. Launch a web browser, such as Internet Explorer, Firefox, or Safari.  Enter into the address box, and press the Enter key.  The Login page will appear.
  3. On the Login page, enter admin in the Username field.
  4. Enter password in the Password field.
  5. Click the Login button.  The Home page will appear.

    Right click on the image to save it to your computer. 

  6. Move the mouse-cursor over Basic on the main menu and click the DHCP link on the sub-menu.  The Basic - DHCP page will appear.

    User-added image

  7. On the Basic - DHCP page, locate and copy the client's IP Address under Attached Client List section to use for the Port Forwarding setup.

    User-added image

  8. Move the mouse-cursor over Advanced on the main menu and click the Port Forwarding link on the sub-menu.  The Advanced - Port Forwarding page will appear.

    User-added image

  9. Click the Create IPv4 button on the Advanced - Port Forwarding page.

    User-added image

  10. Enter the client's IP address in the top field under Local IP Address & Start/End Port.
  11. When forwarding ports for gaming and media devices, click the Commonly Forwarded Ports drop-down menu and select the available pre-configured service.  Then click here to proceed to step 16Start/End Port, Description, and Protocol fields will auto populate.

    NOTE: If the service list not listed in the Commonly Forwarded Ports drop-down menu, proceed to the next step to enter the port manually.

  12. Enter the desired port number in the lower two fields under Local IP Address & Start/End Port.

    NOTE: When forwarding a range of ports, enter the start and end of the port range in the two fields.

  13. Enter a name of the service in the Description field.
  14. Click the Protocol drop-down menu and select the appropriate protocol (TCP, UDP, or Both).
  15. Click the Enabled drop-down menu and select On.
  16. Click the Apply button.  A restart is not required as the Port Forwarding will immediately go into effect.

    Right click on the image to save it to your computer.

  17. The port forward entry will appear under Forwarded Ports.  Repeat steps 9 - 16 to forward additional ports.

    Right click on the image to save it to your computer.




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