Answer | NOTE: This article applies to the SURFboard Wi-Fi Cable Modems (G18, G20, G34, G36, G54, SBG10, SBG6950AC2, SBG7400AC2, SBG7580-AC, SBG7600AC2, SBG8300).
The firmware version of the Gateway is located in the SURFboard Central app. This document contain the following section:
Locate the Firmware in the About Screen
- Tap the Setting in the top left of the screen.
  - Tap the About button.
 Â - The firmware is displayed in the Firmware version field.

Locate the Firmware in the Details Section
- Tap the My Network icon at the bottom of the screen.
  - Tap the Gateway icon.
  - Scroll down and tap the Details + button to expand the card.  The firmware version is displayed under the Firmware field.
