Answer | NOTE: This article applies to the SURFboard Wi-Fi Cable Modems (G18, G20, G34, G36, G54, SBG10, SBG6950AC2, SBG7400AC2, SBG7580-AC, SBG7600AC2, SBG8300).
The Wi-Fi speed test service on Wi-Fi Cable modems is not supported now, but we are working to resolve it and offer the service again. At this time, you can perform an Internet speed test using any Speed Test URLs on the redirect link in the SURFboard Central app.Network Speed Test
- Tap the Wi-Fi Speed box on the Home screen.
  - On the Speed Test screen, the following message will appear.  ISP speed test service is not supported at this time. For update on current state please visit this link.  Tap the link to visit the SURFboard Community topic for the Internet speed test.
 - On the SURFboard Community topic, tap on any of the Speed Test URLs to perform your Internet speed test.
  - Tap the START TEST button for the Wi-Fi speed test between the mobile device and the gateway.
