Consumers - SURFboard Central: Port Forwarding Setup

ARRIS Consumer Care


SURFboard Central: Port Forwarding Setup

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How do I configure Port Forwarding on the Gateway?
NOTE: This article applies to the SURFboard Wi-Fi Cable Modems (G34, G36, G54). 

Port Forwarding allows the option to run a publicly accessible server on the home network by specifying the mapping of TCP and/or UDP ports to a local device.  This enables incoming requests on specific port numbers to reach devices such as Web Servers, Mail Servers, Digital Video Recorders (DVR) and gaming devices.  Port Forwarding is setup by entering specific port(s).  This document contains the following sections:

  • Client device IP Address
  • The port number(s) and protocol (TCP and/or UDP) of the service
After completing the port forwarding setup, it is recommended to reserve the IP address of the client device that was set up for port forwarding.  Please refer to article 19140 - SURFboard Central: LAN IP Reservation Setup.  

Port Forwarding Setup
  1. Tap the My Devices box.

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  2. Locate the client device to be used for port forwarding and tap + button to expand the card (e.g. the Tablet device was used).
  3. Copy the client device's IP Address under IP Address section to use for the port forwarding setup.
  4. Tap the My Network icon at the bottom of the screen. 

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  5. Tap the Network Management box.

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  6. Tap the Network Settings + button to expand the card, then tap the General Settings link.

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  7. Tap the Port Forwarding link.

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  8. Tap the Add Rule button.

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  9. On the Add Port Forwarding Rule pop-up box, enter the name of the service in the Port Forwarding Rule name field.
  10. Tap the box for the Protocol option, TCP/UDP was selected. 
  11. Enter the same port number into both the Internal Port Start and Internal Port End fields.

    NOTE:  When forwarding a range of ports, enter the start and end of the port range in the two fields.

  12. Enter the same port numbers that were previously entered in the External Port Start and External Port End fields. 
  13. Enter the client's IP address in the Internal IP address field.
  14. Tap the Save Changes button.

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  15. The port forwarding rule will appear as shown.  Repeat steps 8 - 14 to forward additional ports.

    NOTE: To edit the port forwarding entry tap the Pencil icon.

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Remove Port Forwarding Rule
  1. Swipe the port forwarding rule to the left and tap the Delete button.

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  2. On the Alert pop-up box, tap the OK button.

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  3. The port forwarding rule has been deleted.

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