Consumers - SURFboard Central: Retrieve Guest Wi-Fi Password

ARRIS Consumer Care


SURFboard Central: Retrieve Guest Wi-Fi Password

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Where can I retrieve my Guest Wi-Fi network name and password?
NOTE: This article applies to the SURFboard Wi-Fi Cable Modems (G34, G36, G54, SBG10, SBG6950AC2, SBG7400AC2, SBG7580-AC, SBG7600AC2, SBG8300).

This document describes how to retrieve the Guest Wi-Fi name and password in the SURFboard Central app. 

Retrieve the Guest Wi-Fi Name and Password
  1. Tap the My Network icon at the bottom of the screen.

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  2. Tap the Network Management box.

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  3. Tap the Guest Wi-Fi Network + button to expand the card.
  4. Swipe the Enable/Disable Guest Network to the right to enable.

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  5. Tap the 5GHz or 2.4GHz radio band.

    NOTE: By default, the radio band tabs are unavailable on the G54 because the G54 broadcasts one Wi-Fi network name (SSID) simultaneously over the 2.4 GHz, 5 GHz (High), 5 GHz (Low), and 6 GHz radio bands.

  6. The Wi-Fi network name is listed under the Network name (SSID).  To view the Password tap the hidden eye icon.
  7. Tap the other radio band and repeat step 3 to view the password.

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