General FAQs: SURFboard Manager (Android): Device Details

ARRIS Consumer Care


SURFboard Manager (Android): Device Details

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What details can I find about my devices using the SURFboard Manager app?
The ARRIS SURFboard Manager app provides information about devices that are connected to the ARRIS Wi-Fi product.  This document provides steps for viewing the device details.

View Device Details
  1. Tap the SURFboard icon.  The Login screen will appear.
  2. On the Login screen, enter admin in the Username field and password in the Password field.

    NOTE: If the default login credentials were previously changed please enter those custom credentials.  If the customized login credentials are forgotten, a factory reset must be performed by pressing the reset button for more than 10 seconds on the SURFboard Wi-Fi product.  This will reset all customized settings back to the original default settings.

  3. Tap the Login button.  The ARRIS home screen will appear.

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  4. On the SURFboard Home screen, tap on the Devices icon in the Status section.  The Network Map screen will appear. 

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  5. The Network Map screen will display a list of all connected devices.  Information displayed includes:
    • Device Name
    • If Parental Control is applied
    • The connection type (wired or Wi-Fi)
  6. Tap on a device to view additional details. The Device Details screen will appear.

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  7. On the Device Details screen, the following information will be displayed:
    • Parental Control Rule: Displays any parental control rules that have been applied to the device, and provides the option to add a parental control rule.
    • Signal Strength: If the device is connected by Wi-Fi, will display in dBm the strength of the wi-fi signal connection from the device to the gateway.  Also displays if the device is connected to the 2.4 GHz or 5 GHz band.
    • Connected To: Displays the ARRIS Wi-Fi product the device is connected to.
    • Channel: If the device is connected by Wi-Fi, will display the Wi-Fi channel being used to connect.  If device is using a wired connection, will display N/A.
    • Mac Address: Displays the MAC address of the device.
    • IP Address: Displays the IP address of the device.

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