Consumers - SURFboard Manager (Android): Pause Internet

ARRIS Consumer Care


SURFboard Manager (Android): Pause Internet

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How do I pause the Internet with the SURFboard Manager app?
The SURFboard Manager app Pause feature, pauses the Internet connection for individual client devices.  Internet connection can be paused or unpaused.  The Pause feature is disable by default.  This document describes how to pause the Internet.

NOTE: The Pause feature is only available on the SBG10 Gateway.

Pause the Internet
  1. Tap the ARRIS SURFboard Manager Icon.  The Login screen will appear.
  2. In the User Name field, enter admin for the user name.
  3. In the Password field, enter password for the password.

    NOTE: If the default login credentials were previously changed, enter the custom credentials.  If the customized login credentials have been forgotten, a factory reset must be performed by pressing the reset button for more than 10 seconds on the SURFboard product.  This will reset all customized settings. 

  4. Tap the Login button.  The SURFboard Home screen will appear.

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  5. Tap the Devices icon.  The Network Map screen will appear.​

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  6. Tap the device to pause the Internet.  The Device Details screen will appear.

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  7. Tap the Pause button.  

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  8. Under the client device name it will indicate Paused.  To pause addition client devices, repeat step 5 - 7.  

    NOTE: To unpause the Internet connection tap the Unpause button for the client device.

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