Consumers - SURFboard Manager (iOS): Band Steering Setup

ARRIS Consumer Care


SURFboard Manager (iOS): Band Steering Setup

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How do I configure Band Steering using the SURFboard Management App?
Band Steering can be used to improve Wi-Fi performance.  Band Steering technology will detect if a Wi-Fi client has dual-band capabilities and will send the Wi-Fi client to the 5 GHz band if the 2.4 GHz band becomes overcrowded.  (If the 5 GHz band gets crowded, the Band Steering function can also move a 5 GHz client to the 2.4 GHz band.)  When the Wi-Fi client device is sent from the 2.4 GHz band to the 5 GHz band, the client may experience a brief Wi-Fi disconnection and reconnection.

NOTE: Band Steering requires that the Network Name (SSID), Wireless Encryption type, and Passphrase (Wireless password) match on both the 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz bands in order to function.

In some situations the Wi-Fi client may experience disconnects and reconnects depending on the location of the client device in respect to the ARRIS Wireless product.  The 2.4 GHz band does provides greater distance for the connection while the 5 GHz band provides higher speed in shorter distances for the connection.  As the 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz bands share the same Network Name (SSID), it is recommended to disable Band Steering to reduce the confusion on the Wi-Fi client.  Once Band Steering is disabled it is suggested to rename the Network Name (SSID) of the 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz bands to unique name to differentiate them.  The Wi-Fi clients will then connect to the 2.4 GHz or 5 GHz bands independently.  The Wi-Fi client will have to manually reconnect to the new SSIDs after disabling the Band Steering option.  

This document provided instructions for using the ARRIS SURFboard Manager app to enable or disable Band Steering.

This document contains the following sections:

Enable Band Steering         
  1. Tap the ARRIS SURFboard Manager icon.  The Login screen will appear.
  2. On the Login screen, enter admin in the Username field and password in the Password field.

    NOTE: If the default login credentials were previously changed please enter custom credentials.  If you forgot your customized login credentials you must perform a factory reset by pressing the reset button for more than 10 seconds on the SURFboard product.  This will reset all customized settings.
  3. Tap the Login button.  The SURFboard home screen will appear.

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  4. On the SURFboard home screen, tap the Menu icon on the top-left corner.  The sliding menu will appear.

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  5. On the sliding menu, tap on Wi-Fi SETTINGS.  The Wi-Fi Settings screen will appear.​

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  6. On the Wi-Fi Settings screen, scroll down to the Wi-Fi Bandsteering section and slide the selector for Enable Wi-Fi Band Steering to the right to enable Band Steering.  The Surfboard prompt will appear with information regarding Band Steering.

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  7. On the SURFboard prompt, tap on Yes.  A SURFboard confirmation prompt will appear.

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  8. On the SURFboard confirmation prompt, Tap OK.

    NOTE: Wi-Fi clients may temporarily be disconnected as the change is applied.  Wait several seconds for Wi-Fi clients to reconnect.

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Disable Band Steering​
  1. Tap the ARRIS SURFboard Manager icon.  The Login screen will appear.
  2. On the Login screen, enter admin in the Username field and password in the Password field.

    NOTE: If the default login credentials were previously changed please enter custom credentials.  If you forgot your customized login credentials you must perform a factory reset by pressing the reset button for more than 10 seconds on the SURFboard product.  This will reset all customized settings.
  3. Tap the Login button.  The SURFboard home screen will appear.

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  4. On the SURFboard home screen, tap the Menu icon on the top-left corner.  The sliding menu will appear.

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  5. On the sliding menu, tap on Wi-Fi SETTINGS.  The Wi-Fi Settings screen will appear.​

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  6. On the Wi-Fi Settings screen, scroll down to the Wi-Fi Bandsteering section and slide the selector Enable Wi-Fi Band Steering to the left to disable Band Steering.  The Surfboard prompt will appear to confirm disabling Band Steering.

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  7. On the SURFboard prompt, tap on Yes.  A SURFboard confirmation prompt will appear.

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  8. On the SURFboard confirmation prompt, Tap OK.

    NOTE: Wi-Fi clients may temporarily be disconnected as the change is applied.  Wait several seconds for Wi-Fi clients to reconnect.

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