Answer | Port Forwarding allows for the option to run a publicly accessible server on the home network by specifying the mapping of TCP and/or UDP ports to a local device. This enables incoming requests on specific port numbers to reach devices such as Web Servers, Mail Servers, Digital Video Recorders (DVR) and gaming devices.  Port forwarding is setup by selecting from predefined commonly forwarded ports or by entering specific port(s).  This document describes how to setup port forwarding by selecting from predefined commonly forwarded ports and by entering specific port(s) in the SVG2482AC.Â
- Client device IP Address which can be found in the SVG2482AC Web Manager or in the client device's network information
- The port number(s) and protocol (TCP and/or UDP) of the service
After completing the Port Forwarding setup, it is recommended to reserve the IP address of the client device that was used to set up port forwarding.  Please refer to Article # 16858 SVG2482AC: IP Address Reserve Setup.
Port Forwarding Setup
- Launch a web browser, such as Internet Explorer, Firefox, or Safari. Enter into the address box, and press the Enter key. The Login page will appear.
 - On the Login page, enter admin in the Username field.
 - Enter password in the Password field then click the Login button.  The Gateway > At a Glance page will appear.
NOTE: A prompt to change the password appears when the SVG2482AC is using the default password. To change the password click the OK button or click the Cancel button to bypass it.   - On the Left-hand menu, click the Advanced link.  The Advanced > Port Forwarding page will appear. Â
 Â - On the Advanced > Port Forward page, click the Enable button for the Port Forwarding option.Â
 - Click the + Add Service button.
  - On the Add Port Forward section, click the Common Service drop-down menu and select the available pre-configured service.  The Service Type, Start Port, End Port fields will auto populate.  Then click here to proceed to step 12.
NOTE: If the service is not listed in the Common Service drop-down menu, select Other and proceed to step 8 to setup the port manually.   - Enter the name of the service in the Service Name field.
 - Leave the Service Type option at default TCP/UDP.Â
 - Enter the desired port number into the Start Port field.
 - Enter the same desired port number into the End Port field.
NOTE: When forwarding a range of ports, enter the start and end of the port range in the two fields.  - Click the Connected Device button.  A pop-up window will appear.
 - Locate the client device by Device Name or IPv4 Address.  Then click the Add radio to select the device for this Port Forwarding setup.Â
NOTE: Check the client's network settings to make sure the correct client is selected. Â - Click the Add button. Â The pop-up window will close.
  - Click the Save button.  The Advanced > Port Forwarding page will appear.Â
  - The port forward entry will appear below Port Forwarding section.  Repeat steps 7 - 16 to forward additional ports.
NOTE: After completing the Port Forwarding setup, it is recommended to reserve the IP address of the client device that was used to set up port forwarding.  Please refer to Article # 16858 SVG2482AC: IP Address Reserve Setup. 