By default, the TG862 is setup to use WPA wireless security with a specific string of character keys (sometimes referred to as the wireless password). In this case, that string of character keys would need to be entered into a wireless client (such as a laptop or tablet) in order to have wireless connectivity.
At times, it may be desired to change the wireless key. This can be accomplished by logging into the GUI (Graphical User Interface) of the TG862. This document describes how to change the wireless network key for the TG862.
To Change the Wireless Network Key
Launch a web browser, such as Internet Explorer, Firefox, or Safari.  Enter into the address box, and press the Enter key. The Login page appears.
NOTE: By default the LAN IP address is If the default address has been changed, enter the custom address in the address box.
On the Login page:
a.  Enter admin in the Username field.
b.  Enter password in the Password field.
c.   Click the Login button.  The System Basic Setup page appears. -
On the System Basic Setup page:
a.   Pre-Shared Key -  Delete the current key, and enter a new network key of choice.
b.  Click the Apply button.
NOTE:Â A reboot of the unit is not required for changes to take effect.

To make a wireless connection, enter the same network key into the wireless client: