Consumers - W6U: Changing the Time Zone

ARRIS Consumer Care


W6U: Changing the Time Zone

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How do I change the time zone in the W6U extender?
The W6U time zone is set to (GMT-08:00) Pacific Time by default and must be changed in the Web Manager to match the local time.

Change the Time Zone
The following steps must be performed on a laptop or mobile device that is connected to the home network.
  1. Launch a web browser and enter https://w6u.local/ into the address box, and press the Enter key.
  2. A security or private risk alert may appear on the web browser advising users to proceed with caution when accessing the Web Manager.  There is no risk in proceeding to the Web Manager.  For instructions to by-pass the alert screen, refer to article # 18181 - Alert Message for Web Manager Access.

    NOTE: The Setup Administration page will appear if this is the first time accessing the Web Manager.  For assistance, refer to article # 19243 - W6U: Web Manager First Time Login.

  3. Enter the custom username in the Username field and the custom password into the Password field.
  4. Click the Login button.  The Network Status page will appear.

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  5. Click the Time Settings link in the left-hand menu.
  6. Click the Time Zone drop-down menu to select the current time zone.
  7. Leave the Automatically adjust for daylight saving time box checked.
  8. Click the Submit button to apply changes.

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