Consumers - mAX Routers: Troubleshooting Internet Connection

ARRIS Consumer Care


mAX Routers: Troubleshooting Internet Connection

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How do I troubleshoot Internet connection issues with the mAX Router?
NOTE: This article applies to the mAX WC4S, WC4T, W21, W121, W122 Express, W30, W130, W31, W133, W61, and the W161 Routers.

If Internet connection issues with the mAX Router arise, troubleshooting may resolve the issue or may provide insight as to what is causing the issue.  This document provides helpful information for troubleshooting Internet connection issues with the mAX Router and Satellite.

Troubleshoot Internet Connection on the mAX Router

The modem must have an Internet connection.  Check the LED of the modem for Internet connectivity.  If the cable modem is not connected to the Internet, reference the manual or contact technical support to troubleshoot the modem.  If needed, contact the Internet provider to troubleshoot the Internet service

Check the LED on the mAX router.  When the LED is Red, the Internet connection is disconnected.  Perform the following troubleshooting steps:
  1. Securely connect the Ethernet cable connectors to the WAN port of the mAX router and to the LAN port of the modem.
  2. Power cycle the modem, wait for it to completely boot up (may take at least 2 minutes or so), and then mAX router (may take at least a minute or so).  The mAX LED will become solid blue indicating Internet connection is established.
  3. As the last resort, factory reset the mAX router (including the mAX Satellite) by pressing down the reset button (while the router is powered on) on the bottom panel for 15 seconds.  Then re-onboard the mAX router and Satellite with the SURFboard Central app. 

    NOTE: A factory reset will erase all customized settings.

Troubleshoot Internet Connection on the mAX Satellite

The mAX router must have an Internet connection.  Check the LED of the mAX router for Internet connectivity.  If the LED is Red, reference the section above to troubleshoot the mAX router.  

  1. Check LED on the mAX Satellite.  When the LED is Red, the BackHaul connection to the mAX router is disconnected.  
    • For wireless Backhaul connection:
      -Relocate the Satellite in the line of sight with the mAX router.
      -Relocate the Satellite closer to the mAX router (within 30 feet of distance).
    • For wired BackHaul connection: Securely connect the Ethernet cable connectors to any LAN port of the Satellite and to a LAN port of the mAX router.

      NOTE: It is recommended to not use any switches in between for the wired backhaul connection and directly connect the satellite to the main router with an Ethernet cable.
  2. Power cycle the mAX router and Satellite.  Turn off the power on the mAX router for 2 minutes.  Then power on the mAX router until the Internet connection is established.  Then power on the Satellite, and allow up to 30 seconds to connect to the Internet.
  3. As the last resort, factory reset the Satellite by pressing the reset button on the bottom panel for 15 seconds.  Then re-onboard the Satellite with the SURFboard Central app.  

    NOTE: A factory reset will only erase the settings in the Satellite and the customized settings in the mAX router are not impacted.



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