Consumers - mAX W30/W31: Link Aggregation Control Setup

ARRIS Consumer Care


mAX W30/W31: Link Aggregation Control Setup

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How do I configure Link Aggregation Control on the mAX Router?

The Link Aggregation Control feature, combines the two wired connection between a modem and the mAX router to achieve Internet speed up to 2 Gbps.  If used with Internet speeds above 1 Gbps the W30 and W31 mAX Router can provide Ethernet redundancy in case one of the wired connection fails.  If one Ethernet connection fails, the other Ethernet connection will only provide Internet speeds of up to 1 Gbps.


  • Greater than 1 Gigabit Internet Plan
  • 2 Ethernet connections
  • Enabled Link Aggregation in the modem
  • Enabled Link Aggregation Control in the mAX router

CAUTION: Performance is degraded on client devices when Link Aggregation is enabled only on the mAX router.  Link Aggregation must be enabled on both the modem and the mAX router.

This document contains the following sections:

Ethernet Installation for Link Aggregation

  1. Connect the Ethernet cable to the port labeled WAN in yellow on the bottom of the mAX router and to Ethernet port 1 on the back of the modem.
  2. Connect a second Ethernet cable to the port labeled LAC in yellow on the bottom of the mAX router and to the Ethernet port 2 on the back of the modem.

    User-added image

Enable Link Aggregation Control

  1. Tap the My Network icon on the bottom of the screen.

    User-added image
  2. Tap the Network Management box.
Right click on the image to save it to your computer.
  1. Tap the Network Settings + button to expand the card, then tap the WAN Settings link.

Right click on the image to save it to your computer.

  1. Swipe the LAC slider to the right to enable Link Aggregation Control. 

    NOTE: LAC is disabled by default in the WAN Settings.
Right click on the image to save it to your computer.
  1. On the Alert box, tap the OK button to reboot the mAX router for changes to take effect.  Allow up to 5 minutes for the mAX router LED to become solid blue.
Right click on the image to save it to your computer.
  1. The LAC settings is now enabled.
Right click on the image to save it to your computer.



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